Making Money In Property



Real estate provides many options for financial growth dependent on the level of risk and reward you are comfortable with and in either the residential or commercial property sector.  There are ways to make quick money generally though “capital improvement” which can be fast paced, wears a higher risk and you typically need money upfront.  Alternatively, you can aim for longer term gains through relying on naturally occurring “capital growth” in prime areas or otherwise you can gear your purchases towards “cash flow” by purchasing purely for income generation.  In my younger years, I was definitely motivated by a quick renovation, re-zone or the development style projects where I could buy and sell within 6-12 months. Now I’m a little older, I’m setting myself up for holding onto property and longer-term cash flow combined with where I foresee steady capital gain for the legacy I leave my kids.  Just don’t have all your eggs in one real estate basket, that would have to be the best advice I was ever given! Want to review your current property portfolio? It’s as easy as giving me a call on 0405 357 735 or popping me an email to for a no-obligation, confidential chat.